
Performant Team

  1. Coaching tips to optimise your team performance even further:
    1. If your team leader is following an old action-reaction pattern, you can suggest breaking this, by asking for another coach/team leader. By doing so, you can 'start again' together. Then, we recommend analysing the pitfalls of the previous situation thoroughly and jointly with your new coach/team leader and to see which agreements you want to make, in order to avoid such pitfalls in the future.
    2. In the other examples, you can take the initiative to give feedback to your team leader/coach.

Tips when giving feedback:

  • Start by asking whether your team leader is open to feedback
  • Name what you think you see when it comes to dependency patterns
  • Name the behaviour of the team leader and what effect it has on you as a team
  • Clearly state what you want to be done differently and make proposals on how to accomplish this in concrete terms
  • Then, mainly listen to the reaction
  • Agree to come back together in 2 or 3 weeks or to include this topic in your agenda during the next team meeting to discuss the progress.

Our coaches will be delighted to develop a personalised programme in order to optimise your 'Performing Team' even further.

Please mail us for more info: info@coachinghouse.eu